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Torc Cardigan | Clue 3

6th June 2024 KAL 3 min read
Torc Cardigan | Clue 3

It's here!

Clue 3 of the Torc cardigan knit-along is all about those gorgeous textured sleeves and those details that give you a professional finish.

So let's dive right in:

We start clue 3 by picking up stitches from around the armhole on each side of the held saddle shoulder stitches for our sleeves.

The sleeve cap is worked using German Short Rows and the Gansey stitch pattern from the shoulder is continued down the top of the sleeve. The sleeve decreases happen at each end of the sleeve.

The front edging of Torc is worked in garter stitch, all the way around the front opening. Decreases are worked on each side of the back of the neck to shape it and prevent it from flaring out.

To finish Single Row Buttonholes are used along the front edge up to the v-neck. It is finished using an I-Cord Bind-Off. 

It all sounds like a lot, but you will be casting-off and blocking your very own Torc before you know it!

Tips and Modifications

There are lots of options for you to modify your Torc cardigan during clue 3. Here are some of my favourites:

Short Row Type

I’ve used German short rows for my sleeve caps. I picked these as they are the fastest to work and give good results. If you would like to use a different type of short rows, I’d suggest trying the Wrap & Turn method.

When you use these on a sleeve cap you can avoid picking up the wraps. Leaving the wrap in place creates a ‘seamline’ effect along the edge of the picked-up stitches, which looks very attractive!

Buttonhole Modification

I’ve added a video for this section for a modification I’ve developed for the single-row buttonhole as part of your accompanying workshop.

Normally when you do this buttonhole style, you will bind off the bottom stitches then turn around and use a cable cast-on to join up the top of the stitches. It can be quite difficult at the start of the cable cast-on to avoid getting a ‘gap’.

In my modification, as you pull the first cable cast-on stitch through, instead of putting it straight on the needle, you work a yarnover and pull the first stitch over the yarnover. Then you put the yarnover on the needle. What this does is it adds extra yarn at the start of the cast on which will avoid the stitches getting pulled and gapping. 

Buttonhole Spacing

If you have changed the length of your cardigan during clue 2, you may need to either adjust your buttonhole spacing or add extra buttonholes.

Using removable markers to position your buttonholes before you work them can help you visualise more easily what they will look like and check you’re getting nice even spacing.

Width of Edging

If you need to make tweaks to the width of your cardigan, the front edging can be a good place to do that. Just add or remove width as needed.

If you are adding width, you might want to move your buttonholes out a little so there isn’t too much fabric after them. 

You will also work more decreases at the back of the neck as they happen every right side row. 


Length of Edging

If you have adjusted the length of your cardigan, you will need to adjust the number of stitches you pick up on each side. Just take care to keep the same number of stitches on each side.

Use a removable marker to mark the position of your v-neck so that you know where you will be ending your buttonholes.

And if you have questions about any of these modifications or any Torc KAL musings, make sure to pop by our Live Chat on YouTube 👇


YoutTube Live chat clue 3 Torc KAL

YouTube Live

If you have any questions or you'd like to join us for a Torc clue 3 chat, pop over to YouTube June 6th at 3.30pm (GMT) or tap the link to catch the replay too!

Don't forget to drop into Knithub to join the chat! 

And if you'd like to join us for the 2024 Torc Knit-along just click here. 

Wishing you all the best for clue 3 of the KAL!


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About the Author

Carol Feller

Carol trained as a structural engineer, and she brings that love of analysing structure into her knitting, creating complex patterns that are easy to understand, while her approach to process is all about testing and playing, and making mistakes along the way. That’s where the joy lies!

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