“Don’t limit yourself. It’s just yarn; keep trying, playing, testing. Knitting should be fun!”
Our Values

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. There is no other way to learn! Be gentle on yourself and enjoy the process.

There is no one golden rule for how to knit. We believe in creativity and innovation and making the process (and the piece) your own.

Community is powerful, and we want to harness that spirit to lift up our knitters and give them confidence in their journey.
We are rooted in Ireland, a country with strong heritage and traditions, a place of wild landscapes with long memories. We draw on those elements of rural Ireland; the stormy coasts, the purple-jewelled hills, the verdant river banks, to inspire our designs. And we believe we can cultivate a modern heritage for Irish knitting, taking our culture to a wider, global audience for them to discover and cherish.
Carol Feller
Stolen Stitches is based in Cork, Ireland, and founded by Carol Feller. While she learned to knit in primary school, Stolen Stitches was born out of rediscovering her passion for it in her 30s, in the time after selling her previous business and giving birth to her fourth child.
Carol trained as a structural engineer, and she brings that love of analysing structure into her knitting, creating complex patterns that are easy to understand, while her approach to process is all about testing and playing, and making mistakes along the way. That’s where the joy lies!
After initially publishing patterns and books, Carol discovered a natural affinity for teaching, along with a strong belief that anyone who wants to, can knit. She has since travelled far and wide to teach, and shares her joyful approach to knitting online, too. Her goal, first and foremost, is for the whole experience to be enjoyable. And to remember, there’s no such thing as perfect.
Meet the team


Retail Manager & Art Director
I manage our Clubs, as well as our shop in Cork. I oversee styling and visuals for the company, help our customers with queries, and manage shipping.
What is your happy place?
Anywhere near the sea on the west coast of Ireland.
Where do you find inspiration?
Stormy weather!
What is your top tip for knitting beginners?
Start small, start slow.
What knitting tool can’t you live without?
An audiobook ;) Or stitch-markers.


Copywriter & Digital Strategist
I work on everything from marketing and analytics, to copy, newsletters and surveys. My role has changed over the years and adapts to the current needs of the company.
What’s your favourite knitting memory?
I have a lot. Being a compère at a knitting festival, interviewing designers for a podcast. Being part of this community was a doorway to a different life, not just stitches that make dream cosy sweaters.
What has been your biggest knitting disaster?
Ahahahaha having to knit lace in black mohair. Don't.
What is your top tip for knitting beginners?
Choose a project you want to actually want to knit. It doesn't have to be a scarf.


Digital Marketer
I curate and optimise content across our social media, and focus on bringing fun and interactive ideas for connecting with our knitting family.
What do you like to do when you’re not knitting?
I enjoy anything that allows me to create something from scratch, like macramé, crafting homemade holiday decorations, and creating personalised gifts for loved ones. Additionally, I'm an avid outdoors enthusiast. I love spending my weekends exploring new walking trails, swimming and trying new activities.
What is your happy place?
My happy place is the one place I can zone out completely, and that's the swimming pool.
If you could live in any other era, when would it be?
As a musician, how could I ever say anything other than the 80s here? It was definitely the best era for music in my opinion.


Online Community Manager
I manage test knits for new patterns, help out with knitting queries on our Facebook group and Knithub. This can involve anything from tinkering with spreadsheets to chatting about favourite yarns with Knithub members.
What is your favourite thing to knit?
That depends on my mood. For something simple, I love to work on socks in simple patterns and with bright colours. If I want something more involved, I do love a good cable.
What knitting tool can’t you live without?
Probably my little tin of trinkets: it has yarn snips, stitch markers, and row counters contained within.
What is your top tip for knitting beginners?
Avoid the scarf for your first project! Unless it's to fit a small toy.


Caption Editor & Illustrator
I caption all of the Stolen Stitches video series. I've also worked on illustrations for several notebook covers as well as some upcoming projects.
If you could live in any other era, when would it be?
I would love to live in the Art Nouveau era as it would be incredible to be immersed in such a creatively-fuelled society.
What’s the one thing on your bucket list?
Someday I want to design and run my own bakery! For now I'll settle with overloading my house with baked goods…
Where do you find inspiration?
I find a lot of inspiration in the work of the Memphis Group as well as from children's toys. They align well with my own creative style and I find I can learn a lot from them.


Video Editor
I am a video editor producing online workshop series for Stolen Stitches.
What is your happy place?
Baking a fresh loaf of bread for my partner and roommate to come home to. I find baking very calming and recently I've been loving challah bread.
If you could live in any other era, when would it be?
I'd pick the 22nd century. It's bound to be a wild ride with cutting-edge tech and a whole new world of possibilities!
Where do you find inspiration?
I draw inspiration from those who excel in their fields. Learning from their expertise and creativity drives me to improve.


Retail Assistant
I assist Laura in daily tasks such as packing, serving customers and making the shop floor look pretty!
What’s your favourite knitting memory?
My mother teaching me how to knit for the first time. She also taught my sisters, and we even have a family WhatsApp group dedicated to our project pictures.
What is your favourite thing to knit?
That is a tough question indeed! I had a ferocious « sock year » in 2021, but I always come back to jumpers.
What knitting tool can't you live without?
A tape measure. Mine has been crocheted into an orange bear.