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Learn to Knit: Provisional Cast-On - Invisible Method

25th May 2017 Cast-on 5 min read
Provisional Cast-On Tutorial - Invisible Method

Provisional Cast-On Tutorial - Invisible Method 

This method of casting on provisionally is really fast. Once you learn the technique the stitches will fly onto the needles! It is possible to substitute a circular needle for the waste yarn and create your provisional cast on directly onto the needle with no need for waste yarn. Remember with this cast on method when you begin working in the second direction with the provisional cast on every other stitch will be mounted backwards.

    1. Tie waste yarn and working yarn together.
    2. Hold knot in your right hand to start.
    3. Wrap waste yarn around your left index finger.
    4. Wrap working yarn around left thumb.
    5. Drop needle tip between both yarns, scoop front yarn from underneath to the front to put a loop onto the needle.
    6. Lift needle up behind the back waste yarn, bring it under the waste yarn and under the working yarn at front.
    7. Scoop working yarn onto needle and bring up under the waste yarn.
    8. Repeat these steps until you have enough stitches on your needle.

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      About the Author

      Carol Feller

      Carol trained as a structural engineer, and she brings that love of analysing structure into her knitting, creating complex patterns that are easy to understand, while her approach to process is all about testing and playing, and making mistakes along the way. That’s where the joy lies!

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