Echoes of Heather and Stone

Echoes of Heather and Stone was published August 2018 by Stolen Stitches.

Please note that every print copy of the book comes with a complementary digital version. All know errata will be updated as quickly as possible on the digital version and you will be sent a link to download the updated version.

Video Links for Book Tutorials

Knitted Cast-On

Cable Cast-On

Long Tail Cast-On

Provisional Cast-On; Crochet Method

Provisional Cast-On; Invisible Method

Short Rows; Wrap & Turn (w&t) method

Short Rows; German Short Row Method

Working with Cables

Grafting in Rib

Lifted Increases: LLI  and RLI

Make 1 Increases: M1L and M1R



 Trittico: Picking up stitches from a bound-off edge.

Errata (Date/Digital version)

Updates to V1:

14th August: Epona Update, p28. Do not omit final round of chart for grafting. (While this will add an extra row it is preferable to omitting the final row of the spiral pattern).


V2: 11th September 2018:

Ahenny: p.46: 1/1 LPC: Sl 1 st to cn, hold to front, k1, p1 from cn.

2/2 LPC: Sl 2 sts onto cn, hold to front, p2, k2 from cn.


V3: 25th October, 2018

P14: Newgrange: Chart C: Row 19 second last stitch is ‘knit’. Written directions (in digital version) are correct.

Page 18, Newgrange: Section: Join panels 2 and 3, whilst working panel 4. Change wyif to wyib

Row 7 (RS): Sl1 wyib