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Learn to Knit: How to work a M1R / M1L Increase

28th May 2017 increases 10 min read
Learn to Knit: M1R Knitting / M1L Knitting

Learn to Knit: How to work a M1R / M1L Increase

M1R (make one right) and M1L (make one left) create subtle increases that lean directionally. They are simple to use and can be used in all kinds of knitting.


Step 1: Insert the left needle from the back under the yarn running between the two stitches.

Learn to Knit: How to work a M1R / M1L Increase

Step 2: Knit into the front of this stitch.


Step 1: Insert the left needle from the front under the yarn running between the two stitches.

Step 2: Knit into the back of this stitch.

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About the Author

Carol Feller

Carol trained as a structural engineer, and she brings that love of analysing structure into her knitting, creating complex patterns that are easy to understand, while her approach to process is all about testing and playing, and making mistakes along the way. That’s where the joy lies!

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