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Learn to Knit: Twisted German Cast-On

21st November 2018 brioche stitch 6 min read
Twisted German Cast-On | Knitting Tutorial

Learn to Knit: Twisted German Cast-On Tutorial

The Twisted German Cast-On is a variation on the Long-Tail Cast-On that creates an attractive twisted edge that has lots of stretch. This makes it great for any knitted edging you need with a bit of stretch. Also known as the Old Norwegian Cast On.

Good for the edge of shawls and even Brioche.

How to work:

  1. Pull out a tail 4 times the length of your cast-on.
  2. Hold your yarn in your left hand, with the tail over the thumb and your working yarn over the index finger. Your thumb & finger should be open, with palm of hand facing towards you, creating two threads of thumb loop, and one around the index finger. Hold these trailing yarns in your left fist.   
  3. To set up the first stitch put the needle under the yarn bar (held between thumb and index finger) from the left and twist anti-clockwise to create a stitch.
  4. Bring needle in front and under both threads of loop on thumb and up behind them. Drop needle tip into the center of the thumb loop to scoop the yarn, and pull towards you.
  5. Bring needle tip over yarn on index finger and pull loop from back to front and through yarn ‘triangle’ just created in thumb loop. 
  6. Drop yarn off thumb and tighten.
  7. Pick yarn back up again with thumb.

Repeat steps 3-7 for the desired number of cast on stitches.



If you are wondering about how to choose your cast on for your next project or if you're wondering what cast on is best for a neckline, socks or shawls, then read more about knitting cast on methods right here.

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About the Author

Carol Feller

Carol trained as a structural engineer, and she brings that love of analysing structure into her knitting, creating complex patterns that are easy to understand, while her approach to process is all about testing and playing, and making mistakes along the way. That’s where the joy lies!

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