Learn to Knit: How to Work an Icelandic Bind Off

bind-off 0 min read
Learn to Knit: How to Work an Icelandic Bind Off


With the Icelandic Bind Off you are creating a stretchy bind-off that works nicely on the edge of garter stitch. It curls towards the front of the work, creating almost a reverse I-Cord effect.

  1. To work this bind off, knit the first stitch the slip it back from the right to the left needle.
  2. Now put the right needle through the first stitch (from right to left) and knit into the second stitch on the needle.
  3. Slip both original stitches off the left needle and put the new stitch on the right needle onto the left needle.
  4. Repeat from step 2 until all of the stitches have been bound off.

You can see it in action in this video:

Read more about How To Bind Off / Cast Off.

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