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Knit Basics: Garter Stitch

3rd March 2022 Basics 2 min read
Knit Basics: Garter Stitch

If you're a beginner in the world of knitting, learning the basics is essential. One of the most used and fun stitch to learn is the garter stitch. The garter stitch is an easy-to-learn stitch pattern that is created by knitting every row. It creates a textured fabric that is ideal for scarves, blankets, and dishcloths.

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of how to knit garter stitch step-by-step:

What is Garter Stitch?

Garter stitch is a knitting stitch pattern that produces a reversible, ridged fabric. Unlike stockinette stitch, which produces smooth, flat fabric, garter stitch creates a bumpy, textured pattern. It is created by knitting every row, resulting in a fabric that is entirely composed of knit stitches.

How to Knit Garter Stitch

In case you need it, here's a tutorial to help you cast on stitches to get started. 

  • On the Right Side (RS), knit every stitch as follows:
  • Insert right needle from left to right into first stitch on left needle.
  • Wrap your yarn clockwise around tip of right needle.
  • Pull the right needle out of the stitch, pulling the created yarn loop with it.
  • Drop the original stitch off of the left needle.
  • Work all remaining stitches in the row in this manner.
  • On the Wrong Side (WS), knit every stitch in the same way.

Tips for Knitting Garter Stitch

Here are some helpful tips for knitting garter stitch:

  • Keep your tension consistent. This will ensure that your stitches are even.
  • Use a stitch marker to keep track of the beginning of each row.
  • Don't worry if your fabric curls at the edges. This is normal for garter stitch, and blocking can help straighten it out.

It is possible, once you have learned the basics, to add more finishing details which would add slip stitch edges or I-cord edges to create a more finished edge to your work.


Q: Is garter stitch reversible?

A: Yes, garter stitch is reversible, meaning both sides of the fabric look the same.

Q: Can you use garter stitch for blankets?

A: Yes, garter stitch is great for blankets because it creates a thick, warm fabric.

Q: How do I fix a mistake in garter stitch?

A: To fix a mistake in garter stitch, you can use a crochet hook to pick up the stitch and re-knit it.

Q: What is the difference between garter stitch and stockinette stitch?

A: Garter stitch is created by knitting every row, while stockinette stitch is created by alternating knit and purl rows.

Q: What types of projects are best for garter stitch?

A: Garter stitch is perfect for projects that require a textured fabric, such as scarves, blankets, and dishcloths.

About The Author

Carol Feller

Carol trained as a structural engineer, and she brings that love of analysing structure into her knitting, creating complex patterns that are easy to understand, while her approach to process is all about testing and playing, and making mistakes along the way. That’s where the joy lies!

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