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Tangential Blues KAL

Welcome to the Autumn 2018 Stolen Stitches KAL with Blue Moon Fiber Arts!
This cosy winter sweater is comfortable to wear and the cables are fun to knit! Worked from the top down with raglan shoulder shaping there is a delicate twisted stitch cable along the front and a twisted stitch sleeve cable. The hem has a gentle curve along the back created with short rows.


KAL Timing
Clue 1: 27th October
Clue 2: 10th November
Clue 3: 24th November
Clue 4: 1st December
Final Prize: 15th December - Raffle drawing for the grand prize on ravelry, open to all completed projects with photos in the FO thread.

As we work through each of the clues I'll add further videos showing new techniques as well as explaining the construction of the sweater.

Knitting Complex Cables


This sweater is knit in the round so it's probably a good idea to knit your swatch in the round if your gauges changes between knitting flat and in the round. If you want to fake an 'in the round' swatch by doing it flat check out this tutorial.


Clue 1

This clue is for the yoke, it starts with the cast on, moves on to the short rows and then you begin the raglan shoulder shaping and the neck increases. When the neck increases are complete you will join in the round and begin the cable at the front of the work. This clues finishes at the bottom of the yoke.

Clue 2

On clue 2 we will move on to the body. We begin by dividing the sleeves from the body and then move on to gentle waist shaping. Finally we end the body with a gentle hem curve.

Clue 3

We're getting very close to the end of the KAL now and it's time for the sleeves!

The sleeves are knit in the round from the top down with decreases happening on the bottom. You can pick your own favourite method of working in the round.

Clue 4

We've come to the very end of the KAL now and it's time to finish off!

This is the last stage of the sweater, we’re going to add the folded neckline and block our finished sweater.

To do the folded neckline I picked up the original cast-on stitches and bound them off with the edge stitches to create the fold, see the video just below here.
Alternatively you can whip stitch the live stitches inside the neck like this here.

To block I’d suggest wet blocking, gently open the sweater up into shape and give your cables a few pinches to ensure they keep their 3-d effect.