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Knitting Classes & Events

Learn to Knit: Online Knitting Classes and Workshops

Learn to Knit: Online Knitting Classes and Workshops

Here at Stolen Stitches we want you to learn to knit in whatever stolen moments you have. To make this as stress free and enjoyable as possible we have everything from Beginner Workshops to Knitting Masterclasses to Project Workshops available 24/7 so that you can learn to knit and access tutorials specific to your knitting at a time convienient for you. 

Our Project Workshops are our most popular choice as you can choose the pattern, yarn kits and the full step-by-step video workshops or a combination of all three that suit your knitting ability.

All of our online classes and workshops have access to our dedicated forums for help and support. Not only that but you get to meet other knitters taking the same workshop so you can share your progress and finished obects with someone who understands just what it took to work each pattern.

To find out more and to browse our free workshops please head over here. 

Free Knitting Tutorials


Learn to knit with our free bite sized knitting tutorials. Each one details a technique that you will come across as you work your way through a Stolen Stitches Knitting Pattern. 

Our tutorials range from beginner to advanced methods and you can search via categories like cast off, bind off, cables etc. 

Our tutorials are put together using step-by-step methods, videos and plenty of pictures to help you on your way. If you still need help you can always post in our KnitHub community. 


Knit- Alongs

A KAL which is short for Knit-along is when a group of knitters come together and work on the same pattern at the same time. Here at Stolen Stitches, we love hosting KALs. Many of our knitters join in repeatedly so you  have the support to not only finish your project but you get to make some online friends too.  

Despite what you migt think, knit-alongs are not knitting to a deadline. While we have a release schedule, each person knits to their own pace and joins in as much or as little as they want to. We are here for support and to cheer you on so that you are happy with your knitting. It's our hobby afterall! 

We currently run 3 KALs a year; a spring and autumn garment and a mystery shawl KAL in January. During which we have step-by-step online videos in our KAL workshop, a dedicated online forum for questions and conversations and prizes throught the knit-along. 

For more information on our KALs or to join our next KAL please head over here.


Events and Retreats


Nothing beats in person knitting and Carol teaches at a number of Knitting tours, festivals and retreats in Ireland and abroad. Please note that dates are dependant on covid restrictions and some events are being moved virtually but we will regularly update our newsletter subscribers of any changes. 

To view upcoming knitting events and retreats please click here


Knitting Clubs

For knitters who love recieving yarn packages our Knitting clubs are just for you. We currently have two clubs that run on a subscription:


Celtic Knits Club

The Celtic Knits Club helps you learn about cables and Irish yarn and introduces you to quality local craft producers. It's the closest thing we have to capturing local Irish makers in one box and sending them straight to your door. 

In total the club has 5 knitting patterns and all the step-by-step videos for each pattern, a dedicated forum for discussion and Q&A, special treats and surprises in each box. You get to choose your colour family but other than that the yarn and patterns are a surprise. 

To find out more about this club and when it's open for new subscribers please pop over here.

Seasons Club

The Seasons Club runs much like our CKC club. But here the patterns will be accessories inspired by the seasons of Ireland. Every season will be different and you can opt to join for a single season or create a rolling seasonal subscription.

Imagine a brand new Seasons box dropping into your postbox every 3 months!

Our Seasons Club patterns teach various knitting teachniques, each inspired by theme for that season. We like to think of this club as our comfort club so each box comes with a seasonaly inspired recipe by Evin'OK  along with a mystery surprise so that you can feel good with the time that you have to really relax and enjoy your craft. 

To find out more about our Seasons Club or to find out when it is next open for subscribers please head over here.